Touchstone Institute Casual Employee Information Page
Policies and Procedures
The casual employees of Touchstone Institute are valued members of our team, and as such, are an extension of the organization. Please take a minute to read and understand our policies and procedures, and register for automatic payments.

Scheduling and Shifts
Touchstone Institute sends out work invitations approximately 6-8 weeks ahead of an event. The invitation will include the event date, time, location, and role information. Once a casual employee confirms their availability by email, a Touchstone Institute staff member will send a follow-up confirmation email with further information on the role and shift details. Please note that a shift is not confirmed until the confirmation email is sent.
It can be difficult to fill roles when staff members cancel a confirmed work commitment. Please provide as much notice as possible if you are unable to work your shift.
In rare cases, shifts may be changed or cancelled due to changes in candidate numbers or logistical needs, which can alter event day requirements. If a shift is changed within 72 hours of a scheduled work assignment, casual staff will be paid at their hourly rate for up to three hours of work.
There is no guarantee of ongoing or regular work past the conclusion of the hours/dates as outlined in the work confirmation email. Shifts are confirmed on an event-by-event basis. Due to the nature of our work, the ability to offer shifts is dependent on many factors including, but not limited to; role specificity, budget, ability to commit to the hours/training required to support the role (outside of emergency/illness) and demonstration of strict adherence to our requirements.
Payroll Details
In order for Touchstone Institute to pay a casual employee, the following must be on file:
- Date of birth and social insurance number
- Completed TD-1 – federal and provincial forms
- Direct deposit banking information – void cheque or bank account information form
Touchstone Institute’s pay cycle is the 15th and the last day (either the 30th or 31st) of each month. Casual employees can expect to be paid for a completed shift within 4 weeks.
Pay statements and tax documents are distributed through a secure third party electronic mail provider called Ceridian Powerpay Self Serve (https://clients.powerpay.ca/selfservice/login). Touchstone Institute does not mail out pay statements or T4 statements. All employees must have a Ceridian account in order to receive such mailings. Please inquire with hr@tsin.ca about how to set up an account.

Touchstone Institute Code of Conduct
Touchstone Institute is a non-profit corporation that offers expertise in evaluation and curriculum development to promote public confidence in professional competence in the Canadian workforce. We excel in providing competency-based services in support of successful transitions to training and practice that meet professional and societal needs.
As an organization, Touchstone Institute places a high importance on a culture that encourages professionalism, collaboration, and respectful communication. This document provides guiding principles, behaviours, and standards to which we hold ourselves accountable to in the performance of our duties.
Touchstone Institute expects its employees to foster an environment that reflects the values of professionalism, expertise, collaboration and respect, adhering to high ethical standards while performing their duties.
The Code of Conduct offers guidance to employees on standards of business conduct. No code can address every situation an employee may encounter. As a result, it is expected that employees be guided by the essence of the Code, and to exercise good judgment. In circumstances where one is unsure as to the proper course of action, they are to seek guidance from a senior Touchstone Institute staff member.
Standards of Conduct
Respect in the Workplace: All employees have a role to play in maintaining Touchstone Institute’s culture of openness, honesty and transparency, which is supported by a respectful workplace. To ensure that Touchstone Institute remains a healthy, safe, respectful and inclusive environment, the workplace must be free of violence, discrimination, personal and sexual harassment, intimidation, humiliation, and disrespectful or demeaning behaviour.
Violence, discrimination and harassment can take many forms including physical actions, spoken or written words, or media. Such behaviour could also take the form of engaging in a course of vexatious comments or conduct related to one or more of the grounds prohibited by applicable human rights legislation. This includes age, race, colour, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, status, national or ethnic origin, physical or mental disability or any other prohibited grounds recognized by law.
Any threats or acts of violence, discrimination or harassment will not be tolerated by Touchstone Institute, and should immediately be brought to the attention of an impartial staff member of the organization.
Confidentiality of Information: Touchstone Institute is entrusted with a variety of confidential information concerning its business, candidates and employees. Inappropriate release of confidential information could result in litigation against Touchstone Institute and/or the employee.
Confidential information includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Exam materials and results
- Curriculum information
- Candidate personal information and exam performance
- Employee personal information
- Financial information
- Business plans and strategies
- Other information identified as confidential by management
Employees may become privy to information or documentation pertaining to confidential matters, or may be involved in processes in which confidential matters are discussed. Touchstone Institute requires all employees to maintain the confidentiality of such information and refrain from divulging any information that may damage the reputation of Touchstone Institute or its proceedings.
Confidential information should not be disclosed to anyone inside or outside Touchstone Institute, other than to persons who are authorized to receive such information in order to fulfill their responsibilities, or to comply with relevant legislation.
When an individual is in doubt about whether information is confidential, or whether it may be disclosed to the person requesting it, no disclosure should be made without first seeking guidance from a member of senior management.
Professionalism: Employees are expected to act in a professional manner that includes meeting obligations, being truthful, being cooperative with Touchstone Institute administration, maintaining integrity in their work and civility in their conduct and communications.
Employees are expected to ensure that their conduct does not jeopardize the good order and proper functioning of Touchstone Institute operations and that they do not use Touchstone Institute property or assets for anything other than legitimate Touchstone Institute business, in accordance with policies pertaining to Conflict of Interest.
Conflict of Interest: Conflicts of interest compromise ethical, personal and business conduct, and may place an employee and/or Touchstone Institute at risk of damage to reputation, loss of credibility and potential legal liability. A conflict of interest is any situation in which an employee of Touchstone Institute participates or has an interest in, which results, or may reasonably be perceived to result in:
- An interference with the objectivity with which the employee is expected to exercise responsibilities and duties on behalf of Touchstone Institute, and/or
- An advantage or material gain to the employee and/or his/her relatives, associates or friends
All employees are expected to undertake their responsibilities on an impartial and objective basis. Employees must arrange their private interests to prevent real or potential conflicts of interest.
No employee will engage in activities where the personal or private business interests of the employee are in conflict, or may appear to be in conflict, with the best interests of Touchstone Institute. A direct conflict of interest occurs when an employee may derive, or be seen to derive, some personal benefit or avoid personal loss. An indirect conflict of interest occurs when another person or corporation could benefit, or perceive to benefit, from a relationship with the employee.
Employees shall not:
- Engage in any business or activity or have a financial or other personal interest that is incompatible with the employee's duties and responsibilities at Touchstone Institute
- Be under an obligation to any person who might benefit from special consideration or favour from the employee or who might seek, in any way, preferential treatment
- Use their knowledge or position to grant preferential treatment to relatives, friends or other acquaintances or organizations
- Be in a position where they could derive any direct or indirect benefit from any contracts about which the employee can influence decisions
- Benefit from the use of information acquired during the course of official business that is not generally available to the public
Employees shall not accept any gifts, entertainment, payments, fees, services, privileges, or other favours from any person or business organization that has any dealings with Touchstone Institute where this may influence, or be seen to potentially influence their judgment and performance of their duties and responsibilities.
COVID-19 Vaccine Policy
Touchstone Institute has implemented a COVID-19 Vaccine Policy for all employees, casual employees, and on-site exam participants. To view Touchstone Institute's COVID-19 Vaccine Policy, click the button below.
Touchstone Institute has implemented a COVID-19 Vaccine Policy. All those entering our facility or attending our events are required to be vaccinated. Please be prepared to show your proof of vaccination. To view Touchstone Institute's COVID-19 Vaccine Policy, click the button below.
Evacuation Procedures
If the need to evacuate the building occurs, Touchstone Institute’s goal is to get all individuals out as safely and quickly as possible.
In case of an emergency, Touchstone Institute staff will be present to direct candidates, examiners, support staff and standardized clients. Fire Wardens will be present at the evacuation point and will be identifiable with bright yellow vests. Persons requiring assistance descending the stairs should inform a Touchstone Institute staff member at the start of an event day, who will alert the fire department in the case of an emergency.
Touchstone Institute’s evacuation area is in the Roy Thomson Hall parking lot, located at the north west corner of Simcoe and Wellington Street West.
Dress Code
Touchstone Institute maintains a professional working environment. All employees should use discretion in wearing attire that is appropriate for the office and candidate/client interaction. All staff members must project a professional image while at work.
Examples of acceptable attire for staff:
- Dress pants and dark jeans are appropriate. Inappropriate pants include sweatpants, exercise pants, leggings, shorts and any spandex or form-fitting pants.
- Dress shirts, blouses, sweaters, and polo shirts are acceptable. Inappropriate attire includes tank tops, midriff tops, low-cut tops, halter-tops, tops with bare shoulders, athletic wear, and hoodies. Shirts should not have large logos or slogans.
Appropriate footwear includes dress shoes, loafers, flats and heels. Practical footwear such as athletic shoes may be worn, however, shoes must be clean, presentable and solid in colour.
Standardized Clients (SCs) will be informed of the appropriate dress code for their role/station by their trainer.
Scent-Free Policy
Due to health concerns arising from exposure to scented products, Touchstone Institute has implemented this policy to provide a scent-free environment for all employees and visitors.
The use of the following products by employees are strictly prohibited:
- Scented body products (e.g. perfume, cologne, lotions, hair products, etc.)
- Optional items that give off scents (e.g. air fresheners, essential oils, flowers, etc.)
- Cleaning products, disinfectants and paints that contain fragrances
Touchstone Institute reserves the right to update policies and procedures periodically as required.