Later this month, internationally educated nurses (IENs) will have access to Nurse Ready, a self-assessment app that leverages artificial intelligence for diagnosis and customized feedback on communication competencies aligned to requirements of nursing certification and practice. This mobile app offers IENs an opportunity to reflect on their professional language and communication skills through authentic interactions and feedback. The self-assessment was developed with input from nursing professionals and IENs working in nursing and long-term care communities, as well as language assessment professionals. It adopts a human-centred design approach and empowers IENs with the communication skills to balance professional self-advocacy with a client-centred and empathetic approach.
The self-assessment was developed with input from nursing professionals and IENs working in nursing and long-term care communities, as well as language assessment professionals, with funding from the Government of Canada’s Foreign Credentials Recognition Program.
Be sure to stay tuned and check our website for more information on the launch and how to download the app.