Human & Financial Resources

Adapting to remote work and reduced revenue

Dedicated Staff

Touchstone Institute staff adapted seamlessly to working remotely. With cancellations due to the pandemic, attention turned to Future Proofing projects revealing the project planning, problem solving, and creative ingenuity of our teams. The work was not easy, and given the pandemic backdrop, staff accomplishments were laudable.

The Safety Squad, a CEO led team with Health and Safety and Communications membership, met daily at the start of the pandemic and weekly thereafter. This group made decisions on exam and program cancellations, safety protocols, and supported staff work from home requirements. In addition, a communication strategy with regular Town Halls was put in place. The Town Halls, on Zoom, featured themes dealing with the effects of COVID-19 on mental health, department-specific Future Proofing innovations, and staff pulse surveys. This ensured that staff could voice their concerns and felt well connected to decisions being made by the Leadership team.

A woman on a zoom video call with approximately 25 people

Knowledge Sharing

Plans were initiated for a virtual symposium, but abandoned as work on Future Proofing was prioritized. With conferences largely cancelled there were fewer opportunities to share knowledge and experiences with others.

Grossutti, D., Tweedie, G., & Johnson, R. C.. (2020) Apples to Oranges: IEN Performance on Two Language Proficiency Exams Approved for Professional Registration. National Conversation of IENs and IEN Partners.

Ramlogan, A., Gallo, J., & Huszar, K.. (2021) Communication through Simulation: Developing a Curricular Program for Internationally Educated Health Professionals. Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE)

Strachan, A. (2020) CELBAN: Assessing Professional Level Listening Skills. CELBAN Webinar for Stakeholders.

Wang, P., Coetzee, K. ., Strachan, A., Monteiro, S., & Cheng, L. . (2020). Examining Rater Performance on the CELBAN Speaking: A Many-Facets Rasch Measurement Analysis. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 23(2), 73–95.

2020-21 Financial Performance

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Excess of Revenue over Expenses


Funding from Ministry of Health and Long Term Care 6,458,647 6,672,114
Funding from Ministry of Labour Training and Skills Development 343,706 366,378
Exam fees, development and application fees 733,907 3,596,037
Other revenues 671,053 25,818
Amortization of deferred capital funding 190,006 195,960
[empty] 8,397,319 10,856,307
Examiners and support staff 730,564 2,550,425
Employees salaries and benefits 3,817,101 3,864,074
Facility rental and occupancy 1,891,899 1,924,449
Bursaries paid out 279,000 285,000
Clinical funding transfers 477,470 483,285
Professional fees 73,708 82,487
Other operating expenses 859,195 1,280,987
[empty] 8,128,937 10,470,707
Excess of Revenues over Expenses 268,382 385,600
Receivable from (Repayable to) Ministry of Health and Long Term Care - (24,640)
Net Excess of Revenue over Expenses 268,382 360,960

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