Our Symposium

Touchstone Institute hosted its fifth annual Perspectives Symposium at its facility on January 31, 2019. The theme for this year was: Perspectives on Professionalism, and it attracted attendees from medical education, health care practice, and professional regulation. The discussions touched on many aspects of professionalism including: strategies for educating individuals on professionalism, establishing expectations for professionalism, and reporting unprofessional behaviour. Six speakers presented on various topics, including one interactive workshop that encouraged thoughtful reflection and discussion. A total of 112 participants attended the day.

Sten giving a presentation

Our Team

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Adrian Frisina, Manager, Education Program
Alex Van Tran, Director, Exam Administration
Alyssa Ramlogan, Standardized Client Trainer & Coordinator
Amina Zaheer, Exam Coordinator
Andrea Strachan, Director, Design & Innovation
Anthony Adema, Project Coordinator
Bill Quinn, Senior Finance Coordinator
Bruno Cestau Lopez, Exam Coordinator
Claudia Aldecoa, Project Coordinator
Corey Cheung, Exam Coordinator
Daniel Gorecki, Project Coordinator
Daniel Grossutti, Manager, CELBAN Centre
Dhoha Hegazi, Exam Coordinator
Diane Hipkin, Examiner Trainer/QA Specialist
Emily Signoretti, Exam Coordinator
Jannine Vicari, Event Coordinator
Jessica Wood, Education Program Coordinator
Jocelyn Dilworth, Executive Office Manager
Julie Gallo, Curriculum Development Specialist
Karen Coetzee, Psychometrician
Karen Huszar, Senior Standardized Client Trainer & Coordinator
Karina Winston, Project Coordinator
Kelly Partington, Project Coordinator
Luxshi Amirthalingam, Exam Coordinator
Mansi Patel, Standardized Client Trainer & Coordinator
Meagan Bowie, Exam Coordinator
Meng To, Facilities Coordinator
Milan Milanovic, Manager, IT
Rae-Ann Iacucci, Senior Project Coordinator
Rosana Tharmaratnam, Exam Coordinator
Samantha Foreman, Project Coordinator
Sana Chughtai, Exam Coordinator
Sandra Monteiro, Director, Research & Analysis
Sten Ardal, Chief Executive Officer
Sara Bull, Human Resources Coordinator
Suzanne Bambrick, Director, Human Resources & Operations
Suzanne Ward, Operations Assistant
Sarah Kaff, Manager, Simulation Program
Tabasom Eftekari, Senior Analyst
Tania Gamage, Education Program Coordinator
Simon Nguyen, Exam Technologist
Venkata Marella, Director of Finance
Will Truong, Manager, Exam Unit
Yzelle Duran, Exam Coordinator
Zoe Baines, Standardized Client Trainer & Coordinator

Presentations and reports

For more information on the following please contact us

Rojas, D., Monteiro, S. D., & Brydges, R. The added value of the Pre-Residency Program: preparing international medical graduates for their residency program in Canada. Oral Presentation at Ottawa ICME, Abu Dhabi, UAE on March 12, 2018.

Sibbald, D. & Monteiro, S. D. Customizing the Standard to the Purpose of the Assessment: Oral Presentation at Ottawa Conference on Medical Education Abu Dhabi March 2018.

Sibbald, D. Strengthening the weakest link: How to optimize OSCE examiner training. Workshop at Singapore International Advanced Assessment Course, Singapore April 2018.

Strachan, A.  Exploring health care regulators' “indigenous criteria” for communicative competence. Paper Presentation at Conference of the American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Chicago, IL March 24-28, 2018.

Coetzee, K., Monteiro, S. D., & Sibbald, D. (2018). Using Rasch to find Hawks and Doves: Explaining rater variance using a Rasch model. Paper Presentation.  International Objective Measurement Workshop. April 10, 2018 New York, New York, U.S.A.

Sibbald, D., & Monteiro, S. D. Interpreting exam performance between site administrations- cohort impact. Oral presentation at Canadian Conference on Medical Education. April 29, 2018. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Monteiro, S. D., Coetzee, K., Lai, H, & Sibbald, D. (2018). DRIFT happens, but not always: Exploring rater consistency in a high-stakes summative OSCE. Canadian Conference on Medical Education. April 29, 2018. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Coetzee, K., Monteiro, S. D., & Sibbald, D. (2018). Using Rasch to find Hawks and Doves: Explaining rater variance using a Rasch model. Canadian Conference on Medical Education. April 29, 2018. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Monteiro S. D., & Sibbald, D. Customizing the Standard to the Purpose of the Assessment Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Evaluation Volume 14, Issue 30, 2018 in PRINT

Strachan, A.  An Exam Administrator’s Perspective on CELBAN Test Preparation, Partners in Educating and Integrating IENs Conference, April 26-27, Montreal.

Strachan, A.  Communicative Competence at Work.  Framework Ministries of Education (EDU) and Advanced Education and Skills Development (AESD) Research Strategy Speakers Series, June 7, Toronto.

Frisina, A., &Kaff, S. Using Simulated Patient Encounters to Prepared International Medical Graduates for Residency in Canada. Association of Standardized Patient Educators in Kansas City, June 21, 2019.

Sibbald, D. & Monterio, S. D. What lies beneath logistics: Predictability of reliable OSCE results in expanded sites. Oral presentation at The Canadian Conference on Medical Education (CCME) Halifax, Canada, May 2018.

Kaff, S. Ensuring Standardized Client Safety During Invasive Optometry Assessments. Poster at the 2018 SIM Expo, Calgary, November 2018.

Chan T, Sebok-Syer S, Sampson C & Monteiro S. D. The QuAL Score: Reliability & Validity Evidence for the Quality of Assessment for Learning Score, 2nd World Summit on Competency Based Education, Basel, Switzerland, August 2018.

Sibbald, D., & Monteiro, S. D. Complex Intrinsic Skill Competencies: A Fit-for-Purpose Multiple Component Assessment Tool. Oral presentation at Association of Medical Education of Europe (AMEE) Basel, Switzerland, August 2018.

Frisina, A. & Gamage, T. Preparing Internationally Trained Clinical Fellows for Fellowship in Ontario. International Conference on Residency Education, Halifax, October 2018.

Frisina, A., & Gamage T. Implementation of CanMEDs 2015. Simulation & Assessment of Internationally Educated Physicians. International Conference on Residency Education, Halifax, October.

Strachan, A., Hipkin, D. & Grossutti, D. A fit-for-purpose language test for nurses: Is it a tool to promote communication competence? Canadian Workforce Integration Conference, Gatineau, October 2018.

Strachan, A. A 360° Approach: Resources for an Intercultural Canada. 21st National Metropolis Conference: Doing Immigration, Halifax, March 21-23, 2019.

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