Specializing in exams that reliably assess the readiness of health professionals for practice in Canadian jurisdictions
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Administering assessments is a core Touchstone Institute responsibility. Over the years, our exams have evolved to become more secure and efficient through application of new technologies. Our experienced research and analysis department provides psychometric services to ensure high quality in all administrations, and deliver valid and reliable results.

Assessment Program Participants
Nursing Exams
The Canadian English Language Benchmark Assessment for Nurses (CELBAN) is a profession specific language exam for internationally educated nurses (IEN’s) pursuing registration in Canada. As the national administrator for CELBAN, Touchstone Institute leads test administration, development, and renewal efforts. A total of 2,149 examinees were assessed at eight testing locations across Canada this fiscal.
CELBAN was developed by the Canadian Centre for Language Benchmarks and is administered by Touchstone Institute.
The Internationally Educated Nurses Competency Assessment Program (IENCAP) is a standardized examination that tests the knowledge, skills and judgement of internationally educated nurses (IENs) seeking registration in Ontario. All exam data is now captured on tablets after a transition to a tablet MCQ in November 2019. Touchstone Institute delivered the IENCAP to 767 nurses this fiscal year.
The program was developed by Touchstone Institute in collaboration with the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO).
The Alberta Registered Nurses Assessment Program (ARNAP) is a standardized examination that assesses the knowledge, skills and judgement of internationally educated nurses (IENs) seeking registration in Alberta. In addition to nursing skills, the ARNAP assesses examinees’ language proficiency and comprehension, performance in client interactions, ethics, and professionalism. In 2019-2020, 82 nurses were examined.
The program was created by Touchstone Institute in collaboration with the College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CARNA).
The Nurse Practitioner Practice Assessment (NPPA) is an assessment that evaluates the clinical competence of nurse practitioners (NPs) in Ontario. This assessment is a component of the College of Nurses of Ontario’s (CNO) Quality Assurance Program and is administered to randomly selected NPs annually. In October, Touchstone Institute administered the assessment to 76 participants.
The NPPA was developed by Touchstone Institute in collaboration with the College of Nurses of Ontario.
Medical Exams
The National Assessment Collaboration (NAC) examination for graduates from international medical schools is a national, objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) that tests the knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential for entrance into postgraduate training in Canada. Touchstone Institute administered the NAC three times in 2019-2020 and assessed 243 participants.
The NAC is a Medical Council of Canada Exam.
The Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part II is a two-day clinical exam that assesses competence, knowledge, skills and attitudes essential for entry into independent clinical practice. Touchstone Institute assessed 62 physician candidates for the MCC QE Part II in 2019-2020.
The MCC QE Part II is a Medical Council of Canada Exam.
Touchstone Institute collaborated with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada to administer several exams. In the Spring, Touchstone Institute hosted the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) and Dermatology specialty exams. In the fall, the following exams were administered: Gastroenterology, Clinical Immunology & Allergy, Rheumatology (Adult & Pediatrics), Pediatric Surgery, Cardiology (Adult), Thoracic Respirology (Adult), Respirology (Pediatrics), Cardiology (Pediatrics), and Hematology specialty exams. A total of 378 physician candidates were assessed at Touchstone Institute in the 2019-2020 year.
These exams belong to the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
The Medical Council of Canada’s Therapeutic Decision Making (TDM) exam assesses examinees at the level required of a family physician practicing independently in Canada. Touchstone Institute administers this assessment on behalf of Practice Ready Assessment (PRA) programs in other provinces and hosted 49 physicians in 2019-2020.
The TDM is a Medical Council of Canada Exam.
Other Professions
The Internationally Graduated Optometrists Evaluating Examination (IGOEE) tests the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values of internationally graduated optometrists (IGOs), and is recognized by the Federation of Optometric Regulatory Authorities of Canada (FORAC). An additional component called the Therapeutic Prescribing Assessment for Optometry (TPAO), a supplementary written assessment, was implemented in July, 2019. Touchstone Institute administered the IGOEE to 44 IGOs this fiscal year.
Touchstone Institute developed the IGOEE in collaboration with the College of Optometrists of Ontario.
The Knowledge and Competency Assessment Tool (KCAT) assesses the foundational knowledge and competency of internationally educated dietitians (IEDs) who are applying for registration in Ontario. The KCAT was administered to 30 examinees in two locations (Toronto and Halifax) in February 2020.
The KCAT was developed by Touchstone Institute in collaboration with the College of Dietitians of Ontario (CDO).
The Assisted Reproductive Technology Laboratory (ART Lab) Exam is the certification program for professionals working in Assisted Reproductive Technology Laboratories in Canada. The exam is offered in both English and French. Assessments were administered to 17 reproductive specialists, scientists, and allied health professionals in Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal on June 1, 2019.
This exam was developed by Touchstone Institute with the ART Laboratory Special Interest Group (ART Lab SIG) of the Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society (CFAS).
The Canadian English Language Assessment for Optometrists (CELAO) is a profession specific language assessment for internationally educated optometrists pursuing professional registration in Canada. It was administered to 18 optometrists for the International Optometric Bridging Program at the University of Waterloo on January 29, 2020.
This language assessment is owned by Touchstone Institute.