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The Symposium
This year marked the sixth year since Touchstone Institute began hosting the annual Perspectives Symposium. Our 2019 theme was: Perspectives on Standard Setting. Eight speakers presented at the event on topics such as Setting Standards that Reflect the Profession’s Value; and Translation of Policy to Cut-score: What Needs to be Considered? Touchstone Institute’s Director of Research and Analysis, Dr. Sandra Monteiro, discussed the Implications of Standard Setting Strategies followed by an interactive table activity exploring what makes a standard defensible. With roughly 100 participants in attendance, the discussion was engaging and the overall feedback very positive.

Our Team
Anthony Adema
Claudia Aldecoa
Luxshi Amirthalingam
Sten Ardal
Zoe Baines
Suzanne Bambrick
Meagan Bowie
Sara Bull
Bruno Cestau Lopez
Corey Cheung
Sana Chughtai
Karen Coetzee
Sean De Fazio
Jocelyn Dilworth
Yzelle Duran
Tabasom Eftekari
Samantha Foreman
Adrian Frisina
Juliana Gallo
Daniel Gorecki
Daniel Grossutti
Dhoha Hegazi
Diane Hipkin
Brianna Hunt
Karen Huszar
Rae-Ann Iacucci
Sarah Kaff
Venkata Marella
Milan Milanovic
Dr. Sandra Monteiro
Simon Nguyen
Kelly Partington
Mansi Patel
Bill Quinn
Alyssa Ramlogan
Andrea Strachan
Rosana Tharmaratnam
Meng To
William Truong
Alex Van-Tran
Jannine Vicari
Suzanne Ward
Karina Winston
Jessica Wood
Touchstone Institute collaborates with local and international scholars in health professions assessment to ensure fair and objective evaluation of our processes and innovations. Often these collaborations lead to significant contributions to the field in the form of publications or conference presentations.
Presentations at Conferences and Publications
Hipkin, D & Strachan, A. Test Preparation to Promote Professional Communication in Nursing. Canadian Association of Language Assessment (CALA) Symposium, Toronto. April 4, 2019.
Coetzee K, Monteiro S. Insight into retake performances on 12 high-stake OSCE stations to help guide policy decisions. Canadian Conference on Medical Education. Niagara Falls. April 15, 2019.
Smee S, Coetzee K, Bartman I, Sebok-Syer S, Roy M, Monteiro S. OSCE standard setting: A comparison of four borderline group methods. Canadian Conference on Medical Education. Niagara Falls. April 15, 2019.
Tran, A. Creating Efficiencies with UCAN Tools and Tablet Assessments. UCAN Partner Conference. Heidelberg, Germany. April, 2019.
Ardal, S. IENCAP and Opportunities for Education. Partners in Education for Internationally Educated Nurses: Strategic Planning Workshop. Winnipeg, Manitoba. 2019, May.
Coetzee, K & Monteiro, S. The use of Item Parameter Drift and a Multi-Facets Rasch Model to detect potential case exposure in a high-stakes OSCE. Conference On Test Security (COTS) Miami, Florida. October 2019.
Coetzee, K & Monteiro, S. The use of Item Parameter Drift and a Multi-Facets Rasch Model to detect potential case exposure in a high-stakes OSCE. Conference on Test Security (COTS). Miami, Florida. October 16-18, 2019.
Monteiro, M. Implications of Standard Setting Strategies. Touchstone Institute Annual Symposium. Toronto, Ontario. January 30th, 2020.
Coetzee, K., Hipkin, D, Wang, P., Monteiro, S., & Strachan, A. Examining Rater Performance on the CELBAN Speaking: A Many-Facets Rasch Measurement Analysis. Language Assessment Research Conference (LARC) Brigham Young University, Provo, UT. March 24-27, 2020.
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