
Canadian English Language Assessment for Optometrists (CELAO)



The Canadian English Language Assessment for Optometrists (CELAO) is a profession-specific language assessment for internationally educated optometrists pursuing professional registration in Canada.

CELAO evaluates the extent to which language skills of optometrists enable successful spoken interactions with clients, clear written communication, and comprehension of optometric reading and listening passages.

Touchstone Institute is the national administrator of CELAO, leading the test administration, development, and renewal efforts. We engage with optometrists, program instructors, language examiners, and test item developers in our work.

CELAO has been offered through the University of Waterloo.


Upcoming Assessment Dates

CELAO is recognized by the University of Waterloo’s School of Optometry and Visual Science, and is offered exclusively to their referrals.

Assessment Partners

Touchstone Institute collaborates with the following organizations to develop and administer this assessment:

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